Waunakee Rotary Club committees are busy with a number of community projects. At the Oct. 5 meeting, committee chairs summarized these during the club assembly.
Linda Olson announced that funds raised by the club for the hurricane relief effort will go to the Red Cross, Hurricane Relief for Puerto Rico and Florida, Shelter Box and a Mexico Earthquake relief fund. Three of these are through Rotary International.
Also for the international committee, Linda said as part of the Food for Kidz event, some of the food will be shipped to Haiti, and there is the potential for members to travel there. The club’s project in Kenya, which it received a grant for, is nearly complete, Linda added.
Lori Derauf said the youth committee is ramping up for the season. Bob Arntz has updated its scholarship application; the fifth-grade mentoring and Reading Pals programs are also beginning again. Harold, the exchange student from France, is doing well. A Waunakee student who went to Poland will speak at a club meeting about her experience there, Lori said.
The program committee has scheduled Todd Schmidt, village administrator, to give a state-of-the-village talk next week.
Dan Statz said the Wauktoberfest weekend set a new record in fundraising, with between $18,000 and $19,000 raised.
“We’ve come a long way,” Dan said, recalling that the first or second year, only about $1,000 was raised.
Rotary Lights is now just around the corner with David and Taylor leading the way this year.
Allison Feldbruegge said the social at Mr. Brews went well last week.  A morning meeting is planned at 7:15 a.m. at the Senior Center next week.
For fellowship, it’s been suggested that the club tour the steam engine that Steve Roudebush is rebuilding with a stop at the Missouri Tavern afterwards.
Other news:
–President Jim Kattner announced that the following donations had been approved:
-$250 for the Buddy Walk for Downs Syndrome.
-$250 for Shop with a Cop.
-$500 for the project in the Philippines.
Jim said $950 was raised by club members for hurricane relief, with another $1,839 from Wauktoberfest tips, totaling  $3,739 with the club match for that effort.
–Bob Sachtjen told the club that Schumacher Farm Park could use help painting its barn boards through the weekend and next week.
–Bob is working with Bob Pulvermacher to collect books for the world and ship them.
–Schumacher Farm Park is looking for help from clubs to host a station at its Halloween Hay Ride Oct. 28.
 Guests: None.
Visiting Rotarians: None.
Birthdays: None.
Anniversaries: Oct. 13, Harriet and Ray Statz.
Greeters: Oct. 12, James Meyer and Danny Miller; Oct. 19, Nicholas Mischler and Shelley Moffatt; Oct. 26, Eric Montie and Richard Murphy.